With the launch of Outdoor Gear, we're excited to introduce you to folks making the great outdoors inclusive for more folks—no matter our background, size, and skill level.
Meet Andrea DiMaio, a self described fat hiker, backpacker, traveler, cyclist, adventurer, yoga teacher, and speaker. Andrea leads inclusive hikes and other outdoor adventures in western New York with her group, Ample Movement. She is employed by adventure travel company, Whoa Travel and has led trips to hike the Salkantay trail in the Andes Mountains of Peru, led adventures in Iceland and most recently in the Galapagos islands. In 2019 Andrea climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, one of the seven summits, in Tanzania, Africa with the Curvy Kili Crew.
What is your relationship with the outdoors?
I have always loved the outdoors. I grew up on a tiny hobby farm and was always outside. I also learned to camp in Girl Scouts. As I got older I started doing longer hikes and trying out lots of different outdoor activities, from cycling to kayaking and more. I am the happiest when I’m outside. It doesn’t matter what I am doing. Simply laying in a hammock or having a picnic outdoors is my idea of heaven.
Can you share more about what Ample Movement is and your mission?
Ample Movement is a community aimed at changing the narrative around bodies, movement, and outdoor representation. It started as a weight neutral hiking group for folks who felt excluded in more traditional outdoor groups and now includes yoga classes and other outdoor activities.The focus is on joyful movement for folks in larger bodies, folks in the LGBTQ+ community, Black, Indigenous, People of color and disabled people.
It is a non-diet place for movement and living in the body you have right now. Working to change our society and set up a space where everyone can know their intrinsic worth no matter their body type or identity . We are here to hike, do yoga, bike, swim, kayak and any other adventures we can dream up.
Everyone is welcome to join our adventures and yoga classes.
The group is actively anti-racist and works towards anti-oppression, equity and inclusion in all spaces we take up. We are also imperfect and always learning.
Why did you decide to start Ample Movement?
Two things happened at around the same time. I decided to stop trying to get smaller in my own body and start living the life I thought I had to put on hold and I saw other similar groups on social media (like Unlikely Hikers and Fat Girls Hiking) that were nowhere near me geographically. I really wanted to hike with like minded folks and add to the representation of people in larger bodies who are outdoorsy.
How can folks get involved and support?
Of course folks can follow me on the socials and share about events or education that I’m doing. I occasionally write blogs about my experiences and try to share my knowledge to folks new to the outdoors. Also, they can come to my hikes or events if they are near western NY!
(Ample Movement on FB, IG, TikTok and YouTube. www.amplemovement.com to sign up for updates)
What do you wish to see more of in the outdoor space?
More diversity! Diversity in body size, diversity in gender, race and ability. There are many of us that have been left out of the conversation and industry for too long. We need ample space at the table. We are the people that need to be listened to in order to make the outdoor space more accommodating for everyone.
What are you looking to trade for in the new Lucky Sweater Outdoor Gear community?
That’s a great question! I don’t know exactly but I will have my eyes open for brands that I know are being inclusive of body size in outdoor clothing and gear that I haven’t gotten to try yet.
Thanks so much, Andrea! We are so excited to have you in the Outdoor Gear community and for all the work you do with Ample Movement!
Live. Laugh. Trade.